Food for the growing child
Introduction to the different stages children go through when they start on solid food. How to take your child from a milk fed baby through all food stages until able to share family meals.
Consider Healthy Eating for Kids your reference and not a set of rules to enforce. Babies do things when they are ready and, although all babies follow the same development pattern, each baby is ready for the next step at a different time. Remember as well that babies are people with their own tastes and preferences. You may be blessed with a baby who would enjoy try everything you offer, but most of us will have a baby who will delight in some foods, just accept others and throw a few to our face - and a few will have to be very patient with a baby who seems to reject about everything.
Don't get annoyed if your baby rejects the food you offer; just offer something else.
Learning how to eat is a long process. Let your baby be your guide. Follow his or her rhythm. You will be rewarded with a child who will enjoy all family meals.
The long term goal is establishing healthy eating habits to last a lifetime.