Babies milestones
Your baby from newborn to 1 year old.
The first 3 months of your baby's life
For first time parents, it's helpful to know what to expect from your baby during the first three months of their life. All babies are different, so this is to be deemed as a basic guideline.
Babies are amazing creatures, and each baby has his or her own personality. By this third month, you are well out of the newborn stage and your baby is developing into a real little person with a mind and personality unique only to him or her.
Each baby develops at its own time and may achieve the milestones a little earlier or later that indicated in these basic guidelnes.
Your newborn from birth to one month
Babies are the most precious of all creation. They are delicate and tiny and while all newborns are different, they all have some basic similarities. If you feel your newborn doesn’t fall within these basic guidelines, ask your doctor their professional opinion.
Fresh out of the womb
When your baby is first born, he already has over 70 natural reflexes. The most easily recognized reflexes and the ones doctors look for right away are rooting, startle, and stepping.
Rooting is baby's natural instinct for feeding. When you stroke his cheek with your finger or nipple, he will open his mouth and move his head from side to side looking for food. As soon as he finds the nipple or bottle, he will immediately begin sucking. By 3 weeks, he will automatically turn his head in the direction of your nipple without searching.
You will notice your newborn fling their arms and legs out and then draw them in quickly close to their body in reaction to a loud noise or temperature change when dressing. This usually disappears at two months of age.
Holding your baby upright, supporting them under the armpits with your hands and holding their head up with your fingers, your newborn should kick their feet out as if they are trying to take a step. Doctors' check for this natural reflex which tells them the baby's spinal cord and brain stem are functioning properly. Babies usually stop stepping at 6 to 8 weeks old.
If you feel at any point that your baby isn't developing within these basic guidelines, contact your doctor for their professional opinion.
Month one milestones
During this exciting, and exhausting, first month, you will begin to see your baby doing various things as she grows. She will begin to lift her head and shoulders for a brief period of time as her neck strengthens. She will also begin to focus on your face and may follow an object 6 inches away with her eyes. His tiny hand will wrap around your finger and grasp it tightly as you stroke his palm. Stand him upright, and watch as he steps out, appearing to walk. Your one month will also startle easily from loud noises, quickly extending his arms and legs out and quickly drawing them back in with a cry. Sucking is your baby's way of comforting herself and also her natural feeding instinct. Rub your finger by the corner of her mouth, and watch as she roots around, ready to latch to the breast or bottle.
Month two milestones
By the second month of your precious little one's life, he is much more aware of his world. He loves the sound of your voice, whether it's calming and soothing or high pitched and sing-songy. Your baby can follow an object 6 inches away at an arc and can hold her head up steadily. She can also push her chest up using her arms for support and can roll over in one direction. Time to stop leaving her on the couch by herself! You should begin seeing real smiles emerge from him when you smile, and the sweet cooing sounds should be emanating from your 2 month old. Your baby may even squeal and laugh out loud for the first time when they are two months old.
Month three milestones
By the third month, your baby's personality really begins to shine forth. She is now smiling regularly, laughing out loud (which is the cutest sound EVER), rolling over in one direction, cooing and making different sounds with her mouth, and squealing like never before. He can also focus on very small objects and turns his head toward a familiar voice.
Your baby's life, month's 4 through 6
By the time your baby is 4 months old, you know him pretty well. You know his various cries, from hunger to needing a diaper change to just wanting to snuggle and be held. All babies have their own internal time table, so if you're concerned your baby isn't developing within these basic guidelines, ask your doctor their professional opinion.
Your baby's world is expanding as they begin scooting and rolling around. Always think 'safety first' by placing locks on your cupboards and drawers. Use plug protectors and make sure there are no loose cords or wires lying around the baseboards where baby can easily get tangled. Also, heavy or sharp objects should be placed high up so baby can't reach them.
Month 4 milestones
By the fourth month of your baby's life, you are beginning to see her little personality shine forth. She squeals in delight, makes various sounds with her mouth, and smiles spontaneously. She is also very attentive to parents and siblings and can recognize them. She also laughs out loud and pays attention to very small objects. When you place her on the floor on her tummy, she lifts her chest off the floor, pushing until her arms are straight. She may even roll herself from tummy to back and back to tummy. And she is fascinated with her hands.
Month 5 milestones
Baby's fascination with his hands at 4 months, leads to him actually reaching out for objects at 5 months. These objects also end up in his mouth as he begins to explore his world. He may be able to scoot or roll around the room a little, so if you haven't done so yet, it's time to baby proof your home. Your 5 month old is probably mimicking sounds and likes you to mimic those same sounds back. He is also turning toward familiar voices and babbles for attention.
Month 6 milestones
Six months is another turning point for your baby. She is well on her way to becoming the person God created her to be and she is full of personality and knows it. She is sitting up on her own and raises her hands when she wants to be picked up. She may even be getting on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth, ready to explore her world through crawling. She expresses herself well and may cry or squeal when an object is taken away from her. She can pick up tiny objects like cereal or other small items, so be watching for those and vacuum frequently. Your six month old can enjoy foods like crackers and other hand held food items that are easy for her to 'gum'. You may even see teeth emerge.
Your 7, 8 and 9 months old
Your 7 months old is well on his way to learning all he can about his world, and he knows how to make mommy and daddy react to his cries, squeals and laughter. At these stages in your baby's development, you want to make sure his world is totally safe and secure.
Interacting with your baby as she grows through each stage of development is the best way to teach your baby. Playing games like peek-a-boo, one-two buckle your shoe, and patty-cake teaches your child how to count, how to recognize patterns and the art of surprise. It's never too early to begin playing these games, as well as reading to your baby.
Your 7 months old
At 7 months old, your baby is pulling herself up using your help or furniture for balance. He can support his weight on both of his legs and can even walk while holding both your hands. He also is very social and likes to play games like patty-cake and peek-a-boo. He can wave bye-bye and can also say mama and dada and is babbling up a storm.
Your 8 months old
Your 8 months old has mastered the art of 'crawling'. This may be scooting on the tummy to get where she wants to go, maneuvering around like an army man, doing the 'spider walk' on her hands and feet, or the traditional way known as down on all fours, hands and knees. She sits up from lying on her tummy and can sit without support. She can walk around furniture and may even stand alone for a few seconds without holding on. She expresses herself when you take an object away and understands the meaning of "no".
Your 9 months old
At 9 months of age, your baby can drink from a sippy cup and can grasp tiny objects between his thumb and forefinger. You will be surprised at the little things your 9 month old finds on the floor! He also understands little commands, such as "Give Mommy the toy". You may find your 9 month old is too excited to sleep and may be ready to give up the morning or afternoon nap. Bedtime routines need to be established to help ensure they understand when it's time to go to sleep.
Your 10, 11 and 12 months old
As your baby approaches the 1 year mark, significant things have happened since that first day you brought her home from the hospital. She is sitting up all on her own, babbling and smiling, saying "mama" and "dada", crawling, walking along furniture and even standing alone for a few seconds.
Your 10 months old
By 10 months of age, your little one is most likely standing alone for a few minutes and can roll a ball to you. She is expressing herself through sounds and gestures as opposed to crying and she uses gibberish in a conversational way. Forget the shoes. As your 10 month old becomes more vertical, it's best to allow them to stand and walk without shoes. If you need shoes for outdoors, get shoes that have flexible soles and uppers and low cut. If you have stairs, your 10 month has probably mastered going up them, but not down. Never let your baby scale the steps without your guidance and supervision.
Your 11 months old
Your baby's communication skills are beginning to develop to a whole new level. He is saying several one syllable words like "hi", "light", and "bye". Whenever he says them, repeat them back. When he is speaking gibberish, make note of actual words when he says them and repeat them. Encourage your 11 months old baby communication skills by pointing and naming trees, birds, grass, rocks, etc. whenever you go for a stroll. Help your child begin learning their colors and numbers by naming and numbering items as the opportunities arise. For example, when putting on their socks, say two brown socks.
Your one year old
Well, here you are, one year ago you were bringing this tiny little creature home that could fit in the crook of your arm. Now you have a toddling, babbling little person who has changed your life completely. Your one year old baby may be walking and can drink from a cup without assistance. It is time to begin weaning her off the breast or bottle and offer milk from a cup. She understands simple commands and says one syllable words. She can feed herself, and plays alongside other children, as opposed to with them. She expresses her wants using gestures, sounds, and a few words.
As your child grows into their toddler years ahead, she will continue to develop her communication and motor skills. Things that were difficult are now becoming much easier for your child to master, and so is their independence. As they move toward 2 years old, they will begin expressing themselves much more verbally and you may even begin to see temper tantrums emerge.