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Marbled eggs

How do you make marbled eggs? I had thought to do this next week end with my two toddlers. I am not sure how to. (Jenny)

Cook Fri, 12/11/2020 - 20:24

You need, eggs, a kettle to boil the eggs, food coloring, and ice cubes.

Put the eggs in the kettle, cover with water and boil for 3 minutes or so. Remove the eggs and add food coloring to the water – about 2 tsp or follow the package instructions. You need to crack the shell a little. Either tap the shell with a spoon or roll the egg on the side with the help of a clean tower – it will be very hot. Return eggs to the kettle and boil for 5-6 minutes more.

Prepare a bowl with cold water and more food coloring – about 1 tsp will do – and add a few ice cubes. Once the eggs are ready, remove them from the boiling water and plunge into the iced one. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. You can now take the eggs out the iced water and peel of the shell.

Food coloring should have sipped through the cracked shells and the eggs should be marbled.