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Sandwich filling ideas fussy eaters

I need ideas. My son would only eat peanut butter sandwiches for school and chicken tenders for dinner. I tried other things with no success. I am worried he is not getting enough. Any sandwich filling ideas to please a couple of fussy eaters? (Sadie, New Jersey)

Foodstuff Sun, 12/06/2020 - 20:40

Children like simple fillings and they prefer smooth textures.

If your son likes peanut butter, try to add something to his sandwich. Apart from the classic peanut butter & jam, you can try sliced apple or pear – rub with lemon juice to prevent discoloration – even banana. Peanut butter, sliced apple and finely sliced white celery is delicious and it has all important nutrients.

Cream cheese has a similar texture and it can be a step ahead. Try this one at home:

Traffic light


1 slices bread, crust removed
1 Tbs cream cheese
1 tsp raspberry or strawberry jam
1 tsp apricot jam
1 tsp Reine Claude plums or greengage jam


  1. Spread cream cheese on one of the slices.
  2. Cut three circles of the other one using a round cookie cutter then place it on top of the cream cheese.
  3. Spoon strawberry jam on the top hole, apricot jam in the middle hole, and greengage jam on the last one; the sandwich will resemble a traffic light.

If your son takes to it, you can try cream cheese with crushed pineapple and other similar fillings; even cream cheese with tuna. Cream cheese goes well with garlic sausage, try the combination when you experience with deli meats. And don’t forget the classic New Yorker, cream cheese and smoked salmon. I have seen many kids taking to this one.

Liver pate also has a smooth texture and many children love it. It is rich in iron and you only need to spread a thin layer, so he would not eat so much fat.

If you want to try filling with a chunkier texture, start with egg salad. Some kids don’t like the smell of hard boiled egg. If it that so, try the Popeye version. Just mix in some wilted baby spinach and crispy bacon, chopped, into the egg salad.

From the deli counter, start with a simple ham sandwich, cheese sandwich, and progress to ham and cheese. Just on buttered bread.. The taste for pickles or relish in your cheese sandwich comes later.

Children usually prefer white bread to whole wheat. I would not worry about whole wheat until much later. As children don’t eat as much as adults and much fibre can hinder the absorption of essential nutrients, you are not doing harm.

A little imagination entices fussy eaters to try new things. Get those cookie cutters to work and cut these sandwiches into fancy shapes. Or make pinwheel sandwiches, kids seem to think that everything tastes better in a pinwheel.

Every evening, ask him to help prepare his lunch for the next day. At least try to plan the lunch together. He will be much more likely to eat it if he was involved.

Yo can try toast instead of soft bread. Some kids prefer it like that.

Be patient and insistent. Once he accepts a second option to peanut butter, introducing a new one will be much easier.

Foodstuff Thu, 12/10/2020 - 11:59

You need, eggs, a kettle to boil the eggs, food coloring, and ice cubes.

Put the eggs in the kettle, cover with water and boil for 3 minutes or so. Remove the eggs and add food coloring to the water – about 2 tsp or follow the package instructions. You need to crack the shell a little. Either tap the shell with a spoon or roll the egg on the side with the help of a clean tower – it will be very hot. Return eggs to the kettle and boil for 5-6 minutes more.

Prepare a bowl with cold water and more food coloring – about 1 tsp will do – and add a few ice cubes. Once the eggs are ready, remove them from the boiling water and plunge into the iced one. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. You can now take the eggs out the iced water and peel of the shell.

Food coloring should have sipped through the cracked shells and the eggs should be marbled.