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healthy for your kids
and healthy for you

Broccoli and lentils

A simple lentil soup you can cook for the whole family in one go. The only thing you need to do is remove the portion for the baby before seasoning.


1 1⁄4 cups lentils (soaked, rinsed and drained)
1 head broccoli (in florets)
10 cups water (or a light broth, low fat and no salt)
1 cup cheese (optional, grated cheese)
1 onion (medium sized, finely chopped)
1⁄2 teaspoon rosemary (or to taste)
1 teaspoon savory (or to taste)
2 teaspoons seasoning (o to taste, salt and ground pepper)
2 tablespoons olive oil


Put the lentils and the liquid in a large saucepan and simmer partially covered 30 minutes. 

Add the broccoli florets and go on simmering until the broccoli is tender and the lentils are fully cooked.

Remove the portion for the baby.

For the rest of the family

Heat the olive oil in a pan and sautée the onion until it is soft, 3-4 minutes. Add the herbs and toss them around 30 seconds. Pour over the lentils and broccoli. Simmer the lentils 10-15 minutes more for the flavors to blend.

Serve the lentils with broccoli warm sprinkled with grated cheese, if using it.

4 servings
Cooking time
Preparation time
Total time
1 hour, 9 minutes


Soak the lentils in cold water for at least 6 hours and better overnight. Aleternatively, soak lentils in boling water for 1 hour.

You can substitute broccoli with romanesco or cauliflower.

For the baby

For babies from 9 to 12 months, blend the lentils and broccoli to a purée, adding enough baby milk, or enough cooking liquid, to give it a smooth consistency.

For older babies, blend, mash or chop depending of the stage they are. 

For babies older than 12 months, you could add a bit of grated cheese melted with a little hot cooking liquid to the purée.