Ice cream sandwiches
Making ice cream sandwiches can be a fun and creative activity for kids. They'll enjoy assembling and decorating their own sandwiches, and the end result is a delicious treat that everyone can enjoy together.
To assemble the sandwiches, take one cookie and place a scoop of softened ice cream onto the flat side of the cookie. Place another cookie on top, flat side down, and gently press the cookies together to spread the ice cream to the edges.
If you're using sprinkles or mini chocolate chips, pour them into a shallow dish. Roll the edges of the ice cream sandwich in the dish so the sprinkles or chocolate chips stick to the ice cream.
Wrap the ice cream sandwich in plastic wrap and place it in the freezer.
Repeat with the remaining cookies and ice cream. Freeze the ice cream sandwiches for at least 2 hours, or until the ice cream is firm again.
When ready to serve, unwrap the ice cream sandwiches from the plastic wrap and enjoy!
Take the ice cream out of the freezer and let it sit at room temperature for about 10 minutes to soften. This will make it easier to spread.
Use the cookies you prefer, butter cookies, oatmeal cookies, buter cookies or molasses cookies.
Safety first: Remind your kids not to touch the oven or stove, and to wash their hands before starting.
Delegate age-appropriate tasks: Let the kids scoop the ice cream onto the cookies, press the sandwiches together, and roll them in the sprinkles or chocolate chips.
Teach them clean-up habits: Make sure they help with the clean-up afterwards.