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healthy for your kids
and healthy for you


Nutrition for kids

Your children will be what they eat. The eating habits they develop have an enormous impact on their future health. It is very important to instill healthy eating habits from the beginning because these habits, good or bad, will last for their lifetime.
  • A girl covering her eyes with two apples and surrounded by a rainvow of fruit and vegetables.

Using baby formula

Breastfeeding is the preferred method of providing newborns with all the nutrients and immune system aids they require. But for many people - whether mother, infant or both - that simply isn't an option. But not to worry. Baby formulas have developed to a high art, thanks to excellent science.

Choosing and using baby formula

New parents sometimes read about potential difficulties associated with feeding infants cow's milk, and so shy away from formula based on it. But all commercial formulas are safe and nutritious.