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Party punch recipes for kids

Easy, fruity, and fun. Punch is perfect for kids'' parties. And if you make your own, it can be very healthy.

Easy Punch Recipes for Kids

Making punch for a party is a healthy alternative to serving soda. It is a more economical choice compared to serving individual juice containers. It is easy to make and something that children enjoy.

Punch is simply a mixture of fruit juices. Carbonated beverages such as sparkling water, ginger-ale, or lemon-lime soda are often added to give the punch bubbles. Decorate your punch with fruit, molded ice, or other fun items to make it even more appealing to children. To save on the expense punch could also be made with dry drink mixes, but they are not as nutritious. The possibilities for punch really are limitless. Below find recipes and ideas to get you started. Simply mix the ingredients together and serve cold.

Fall Festival


  • 1 gallon cranberry juice
  • 1 gallon apple cider
  • 12 oz. orange juice concentrate, thawed
  • Strawberry Lemon Punch
  • 2 cups strawberry juice blend
  • 6 oz frozen lemonade thawed.
  • 3 11 ounce bottles sparkling strawberry flavored water


Just mix all the ingredients. Chill or serve with a little ice. It is also delicious served over crushed ice.



  • 2 cups pineapple juice
  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 1 cup lemon juice
  • 8 cups lemon-lime soda
  • 2 sliced bananas
  • 1/2 cup maraschino cherries
  • 1 cup diced pineapple
  • 1 orange sliced


Mix all the ingredients in a large pan and chill.

Kid Bubbly


  • 4 cups white grape juice
  • 4 cups club soda


Mix and serve with ice.

Just for Fun

Adding garnishes can make the punch more fun, and lend to the party theme you have chosen. Add whole or sliced fruit, fruit on plastic swords, edible flowers like violets or pansies, drink umbrellas, or crazy straws to each glass.

Get creative with ice. Freeze fruit juice or canned fruits in their juice for ice instead of water. Frozen grapes, or melon balls can substitute for ice also. Scoops of sherbert are delicious in punch too. Use cake pans, or jello molds to freeze large blocks of ice or sherbert for a punch bowl. Use candy molds to make smaller ice shapes. Freeze fruit such as cherries, raspberries, or cranberries whole into the ice. Candy items such as Swedish fish and gummy worms can also be suspended in ice. Even clean plastic toys like spiders could be frozen in the ice. A bit of caution here: Don't use toys that are actually small enough to be swallowed or that would pose a choking hazard to young children.

Punch is easy and economical for you. It is fun and nutritious for the kids. What's not to love? Enjoy creating the perfect punch to fit your next kid's party.