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healthy for your kids
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Sleepover party

Apart from providing plenty of food, including treats for a midnight feast and breakfast, there are a few other things to take into account if you want your kid to be known as the one who hosts the best sleepovers.

Don’t invite too many people - probably four is the best number. You want to make sure your kid will have time each of them full attention. This rule is good even for teenagers.

Send invitations ahead of the sleepover party date to be sure your kid’s friends will be available on the night, and ask for replies to know how many are coming. If you sent the invitations well in advance, there will be time to invite someone else.

It is a good idea to set a theme for the sleepover, as you would for a normal party. The room can be decorated around the theme and you can plan activities related to the topic. You can ask guests to bring something related to the theme to contribute to the fun – and you can ask them to bring a few of their favorite movies, music, or board games, as well.

Even if you asked for contributions, you will need to think of activities, movies, music, board games, and other games to play – and gather everything you may need for them ahead of the sleepover. This way you will have covered all the corners and there will be something to do at any time. If the sleepover guests were shy or not creative with their contributions, or one of your guests forgets what they where going to bring, you will have a replacement activity.

As a gracious host, make sure the guests have everything they need and they know where the bathroom is. Everyone should have somewhere comfortable to sleep – ask your guests to bring a sleeping bag, if necessary – and possibly a torch, in case they wake up and need to get up, as they may be far from the light switch. Having a drink handy, just water would be enough, is a good idea, in case they wake up thirsty.