Cool and healthy snacks for kids
Summertime goodies
The healthy eating plate
Veggie burgers kids will love
A Gluten free diet that tastes great
Helping your child be gluten free
Benefits of breastfeeding
While the fetus is developing, it gets all its needed nutrients from the mother through the umbilical cord. This includes compounds that help the baby's immune system to protect it from harm. But even after birth the baby's immune system is still not fully mature. Fortunately, nature has cleverly developed a solution. The added help it needs it gets in part from colostrum and milk via breastfeeding.
Juicing for kids
In an ideal world, our children would never be exposed to any sugary “fruit drinks” or packaged juices. But if yours have already developed a taste for sweet drinks, the easiest way to get them to begin drinking raw, fresh homemade juice is to include fruit in the juice.
What they will drink, what’s good for them
Although raw fruit juice contains higher sugar levels than vegetable juice does, your children will be much better off with these juices than with commercial juices. If you make your kids’ juices with organic fruits, that is better for them still.