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healthy for your kids
and healthy for you


If you think your kid eats too much

Children learn from their parents. We are their first teachers. This includes everything from right and wrong to how and what to eat. Do you think that your child is eating too much? There are ways to tell and also ways to correct a potential problem before it gets out of hand.

Children are smart

Kids are born with plenty of instincts. There are things they must learn about but also things that they already know. For instance, when a child is no longer hungry they will stop eating. Seems reasonable, huh? They move on to other things and never look back.

What a toddler needs to eat daily

Kids are funny. They always teach us something new, especially when it comes to food. They are quick to wrinkle up their noses at certain foods, but don’t worry. Unless they are eating a lot of junk, your toddler will still be healthy.

It seems to be quite easy for our kids to freak us out. They jump off of the furniture, stick things in their ears and noses and perform other heart-stopping antics. But, when it comes to nutrition, we want to make sure that they are growing and developing according to schedule.

How to teach kids cooking skills

Despite the stigma behind kids in the kitchen, teaching kids to cook is a great way to build confidence and strengthen your family bonds. Just look at the Italians and the French. They spend all day in the kitchen with their family and they are probably about as tight as any culture can be. There are some things to consider when introducing kids to the kitchen routines, but doing so can make all of the difference in the world.

Why kids belong in the kitchen

Ask any adult if a kid should be in the kitchen and you will probably get a bewildered look as if they were trying to say “why would I poke my eye out with a wooden spoon?” Many people think the kitchen is a dangerous place, and they have every right to believe so. What they don’t know is that the kitchen is probably one of the only rooms in the house that can teach as many lessons as a first-grade classroom.